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Edmondson Park North Commuter Carpark

Edmondson Park North Commuter Carpark

After the 1st commercial pour in October 2022, another significant milestone was achieved with the successful pour of CO2 Concrete on 31 October 2023 by Holcim at a live A W Edwards construction site in Sydney, Australia. Representatives from Liverpool City Council, Western Sydney University, Holcim, A W Edwards, and Transport for NSW were present at the pour of this groundbreaking concrete in a 1-meter by 25-meter section of the pathway at Edmondson Park North Commuter Carpark. 

It is elevating the bar and achieving an impressive 50 percent CO2 recycled content ratio, surpassing the previous maximum of 40 percent in earlier trials. Once laid, the CO2 Concrete transforms the pathway into a carbon store, improving environmental outcomes and reducing landfill space by repurposing construction waste into construction material.

Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre

Blacktown Animal Rehoming Centre

The first CO2 Concrete pour was on the 26th of October 2022 at a live A W Edwards construction site in Sydney, Australia. The slab measured 27m x 2m and is located at the newly built Animal Rehoming Centre in Blacktown. The slab contains carbon-treated recycled aggregate created via a newly invented carbonation process. The concrete used for the slab was batched at the Rooty Hill Holcim Concrete Plant as part of the global Holcim Accelerator Program. The CO2 Concrete team enjoyed great success on the day and received positive feedback from the construction crew on how easy CO2 Concrete was to work with and pour.    

CO2 Concrete   Demonstration Slab

CO2 Concrete Demonstration Slab

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Holcim Accelerator Program

CO2 concrete pouring on active site 2022

CO2 Concrete slab for Holcim Accelerator Program

(27m x 2m x 0.15m)

Animal Rehoming Centre, Blacktown

CO2 Concrete Slabs

Western Sydney University Hawkesbury Farm's CO2 Concrete Slabs

The CO2 Concrete slabs were cast in March 2019 using CO2 Concrete at Hawkesbury Farm at Western Sydney University. The platforms measure 3m x 2.6m and are created using 2 innovative mix designs to support gross animal weight of approximately 1 tonne each for troughs (drinking stations).

CO2 Concrete slab for cattle drinking stations

(3m x 2.6m x 0.20m)

Western Sydney University, Hawkesbury campus

Biosecurity Platforms

Western Sydney University Hawkesbury Farm's Biosecurity Platforms

Western Sydney University Hawksbury Farm has been known for its state-of-the-art agricultural research. We have now become a part of this great culture by contributing two CO2 Concrete biosecurity platforms in April 2018, which are employed for boot cleaning, minimising pests and diseases.


CO2 Concrete Biosecurity platform for boot cleaning (0.40m x 0.50m x 0.2m)

Western Sydney University, Hawkesbury campus

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